Thursday, March 19, 2015

Rwandan Amputees Volunteer for Peer-To-Peer Mirror Therapy Programs in Refugee Camps

Rwandan Kiziba Refugee Camp Amputees and Family Supporters

In a first for Rwanda, 17 refugee amputees volunteered to become active in a Peer-to-Peer Mirror Therapy Group for End The Pain Project. They were part of a group of 50 amputees and family members who attended a recent Mirror Therapy for Phantom Pain Workshop held at the Kiziba Refugee Camp.

The idea of the peer-to-program was introduced by ETPP Representative for Africa, Jean Luc Ngarambe, who sees it as an effective limited budget model that can be extended to the greater African continent.

On a scale of 1-10, with '1' indicating no pain and '10' indicating excruciating pain, most of the volunteers had endured pain levels that hovered around '8'. Those who had limbs chopped off during the Rwandan genocide have endured intense levels of recurring phantom pain for over twenty years. Practicing with mirrors for thirty days, their pain levels will now be lowered to the point where they can function more effectively, below the 5-level, or no longer experiencing phantom limb pain.

Kiziba amputee at start of Mirror Therapy demonstration

Amputees watch the Mirror Therapy demonstration

Family members take notes on how to support amputees

These are the courageous and generous KizibaVolunteers who will become Certified ETPP Trainers, leading other amputees in Rwanda's refugee camp away from suffering phantom limb pain.

Gentille M., 24, lost right arm as a child in 1994 Rwandan genocide

Jean Leo B., 39, lost left leg in car accident

Agnes M., 36, lost left leg as a teen in 1994 Rwandan genocide

Alexandre N., 40, lost right arm in accident

Donatha N., 31, lost right arm as a child in 1994 Rwandan genocide
Emmanuel S., 48, lost left arm in 1994 Rwandan genocide

Evariste G., 44, lost left leg in 1994 Rwandan genocide

Andre M., 44, lost right leg in car accident

Tite M., 33, lost left hand as a teen in 1994 Rwandan genocide

Gerome N., 58, lost right leg in Rwandan genocide 1998

Herman N., 55, lost right leg in 1994 Rwandan genocide

Jack H., 35,  lost right leg as a teen in 1994 Rwandan genocide

 Jean Bosco R., 45, lost left leg in 1994 Rwandan genocide

Jean Bosco H., 39, lost right leg due to disease

Felician M., 43,  lost left hand due to a car accident

Pierre M., 26,  lost right hand as a child in 1994 Rwandan genocide

Jean Bosco U., 56, lost left leg in 1994 Rwandan genocide

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