Montenegro Physiotherapists Learning Mirror Therapy |
MT Trainer, Jasmin Avdovic & Workshop Attendee
in cooperation with
The National Physiotherapy Association of Montenegro and The Faculty
of Applied Physiotherapy, U of Montenegro,
Mirror Therapy Adria and
ETPP organized a full
day Mirror Therapy Workshop for nine Montenegro Physiotherapists at
The Faculty of Applied Physiotherapy's multimedia education
amphitheater on Sunday April 25, 2015. These Physiotherapists became the first certified mirror therapists in
Montenegro, four from Herceg Novi, and one from each of the following
cities: Kotor, Niksic, Petnjice, Danilovgrad and Cetinje.
There is a growing recognition of
mirror therapy by medical professionals in the Balkans as the
treatment of first choice for relief of post-traumatic neuropathic pain and stroke.
Mirror Therapy Adria is even more convinced that
these workshops should be organized in each local area of the
Balkans, where its been seen and recently reported that an increasing
number of people who suffer the fore mentioned problems.
Certified MT Therapists & Jasmin Avdovic Montenegro April 2015 |
We do hope that this technique is going to become a part of public health services in Bosnia at least